Top 10 keyloggers
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Review of The Best Keylogger

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The Best Keylogger


Easy-to-use, good URLs interception, can be used for remote monitoring.


No chat and emails interception.


Balanced the way it can be used for monitoring your home PC, privacy of your kids and workstations of your employees. Its interface containing the explanations of all the functions and overall easiness-to-use allows us to recommend it to all the groups of users.

Installation & interface

The installation of The Best Keylogger is pretty typical and you will pass through only these screens: Welcome → EULA → Confirm → Finish

However the software requires the latest version of .NET Framework to be installed on your PC, so please keep this in mind before starting the setup.

As for the interface it looks nice, however we would prefer it to be a bit more colorful as its primary colors are dark grey and white. As for the easiness-to-use it is really good — all the information is grouped into categories and can be almost always found on the first try. One more good thing in its interface is that each checkbox has its explanation in popup window that can be accessed by clicking the "i" sign. Near the checkbox.


OS support

According to the information from the official The Best Keylogger website it supports Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP. We tested it on both Windows XP and Windows 7 and had an error message during the installation on the first one, stating that Windows cannot update one of the system files. However, the keylogger worked without any glitches and problems, so as it did on Windows 7. In this section The Best Keylogger gets 72 of 97 points.


The Best Keylogger shows almost perfect results in this section. Its files are hidden greatly, it can be accessed by either typing the keyword or by pressing the hotkey combination. It is password-protected and its warning message can be easily changed and configured. The only thing of this section The Best Keylogger doesn't have, is ability to be automatically uninstalled on a pre-specified date or after a period of time. 80 out of 125 points in total.


The Best Keylogger perfectly monitors System log on/off and inactivity time. The same can be said about screenshot-making — user can set both their quality and making time, choose whether to photo full screen or active window only, to make screenshot on every mouse click or not. The keylogger also logs all the keystrokes typed, clipboard content, and the majority of file activities: documents' printed, created, deleted and renamed. Additionally, The Best Keylogger logs the mouse clicks, but we do not actually like how this feature is implemented. Anyway, the keylogger receives its points here.

Mouse Clicks
Mouse Clicks

In total — 246 out of 300 points.

Online monitoring

In this section The Best Keylogger shows pretty poor results. It logs URLs intercepted in all the browsers except Safari, however these are the only functions implemented in this section. It doesn't log chat conversations, emails and cannot make screenshots of visited websites. 80 of 176 points.


Unlike the previous section this one is the one The Best Keylogger shows really good results. Not only it can send logs by all the means except LAN, it also can filter them in different ways and auto-clear. It is also important that The Best Keylogger can be set to monitor only pre-specified users or applications. 119 of 150 points.


In this section The Best Keylogger receives points for such parental control features as ability to block certain websites and applications running, and send an email each time a word from a pre-specified list is typed. It is also available not only in English, but in Swedish also, that gives the software additional points. In total — 62 of 66.

The bottom line

The Best Keylogger is the keylogger balanced the way it can be used for monitoring your home PC, privacy of your kids and workstations of your employees. Its interface containing the explanations of all the functions and its overall easiness-to-use allows us to recommend it to all the groups of users.

Points total: 659 out of 914

WARNING! This keylogger is no longer available.
Please click here to move to the comparison table and choose a top keylogger that will suit your needs.

IMPORTANT! Installing computer monitoring tools on computers you do not own or do not have permission to monitor may violate local, state or federal law.
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